Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pizza Delivery in 30 mins!!!!

This is somethin which I've always been wantin to pen down!!!! I remember those days when pizzas were introduced, we all used to hope that the pizza delivery wouldn't happen reach us in 30 mins, so that we could have the pizza for FREE!!! But very rarely have I seen or heard of anyone who was lucky to get the FREE pizza!!!

But hell, my contention here is somethin very different!!! How many of us know that if the pizza is not delivered, itz not the company which bears the cost of it, but the poor guy who tried deliverin the pizza within 30 mins would be debited from his salary???? News huh??? Well now your pizza isn't tasty as the FREE one huh????

Well then face this!!! Given the drivin/ridin conditions that are prevalent in our country do we realize that the guy actually risks his LIFE deliverin the pizza to our doorstep??? Not sure if you have noticed how the guy recklessly rides on the roads, just to ensure that we get the pizza in 30 minsflat, and of course hot enough for us to relish the delicious pizza????

My question is, is it OK for us to expect the guy to put his life on the line so that we get our pizza within 30 mins or even hopin that he would be late so that we get it free????? Whose responsibility is it end of the day to curb this practice??? I definitely would die of guilt!!! I rather walk into one Pizza outlet and relish if I'm soo keen or let them know that I'm good as long as they deliver the pizza and definitely don't want the guy to risk is life in ensurin that he gets the pizza to me in 30 mins!!!

Definitely, the pizza company is tryin to earn brownie points with its customers and definitely we as consumers have set our expectations and thatz the only reason why we see these kinds of inhumane offers!!!! I know I can't stop you folks from eating one but definitely it would be appreciated if you could just let them know that you are OK with the idea of pizza bein late!!! Definitely no one would want to eat a pizza when we put some one's life at STAKE!!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Chief Belief Officer - CBO

I'm sure all of us have heard about CEOs', COOs', CTO's, but wait have you ever heard of a CBO??? in other words Chief Belief Officer!!! Well sure folks who were followin TEDIndia@Mysore would have heard of it and sure its been makin rounds around the net about his talk at TEDIndia@Mysore!! Thought I should share the same with the rest of them who hasn't been lucky enough to hear on it or see the person!!!

Personally, though I'm more or less an Agnostic Person, definitely kudos to DevDutt, who actually by profession is a CBO with the Future Group!!! who actually was damn good at weaving a story with ancient mythology and present day working conditions and more!!! Definitely an amazin video to watch


Also you could follow him on his own website : www.devdutt.com

Well sure, it would also get us to the question, now that we breached the Belief frontier, is there anything else?????

Friday, November 27, 2009

A light one to make your weekend FUN!!!!

Do Dogs go to Heaven? These two churches face each other across a busy street.










How to tell if a Catholic is driving too fast


Jewish Olympic Swimmer





Church can be hilarious!









The Woodpecker Might have to go!


May your troubles be less, may your blessings be more, and

may nothing but happiness come through your door.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

30 second speech!!!!!

Here's a 30 second Speech by Bryan Dyson (CEO of Coca Cola) :

"Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the

You name them - work, family, health, Friends and spirit and you're keeping
all of these in the Air.

You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will
bounce back.

But the other four Balls - Family, Health, Friends and Spirit - are made of
glass. If you drop one of these; they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked,
nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same.

You must understand that and strive for it."

How I wish this could help people prioritize their lives!!! I mean we need to work but guess itz a pretty fine balance which we need to strike!!! Hope everyone readin this can manage to do the same :-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


There have been times when I see pics of my friends/acquaintances or hear about them as to what they have been upto, it gets me to thinkin do they really deserve that??? I mean not that I'm jealous that they have achieved somethin or got to do somethin which I didn't but for all that I've known them, I personally feel they don't deserve it coz there are other worthies accordin to me!!! Hell I ain't no one to be judgmental about anyone, but when you compare two, sure we are bound to find a nicer one of the two :-)

But, what is that makes LIFE so partial???? Have you noticed, people who have it all get more and people who don't have never get it or are robbed off it!!! WHY??? Sure we can have a lot of arguments sayin, you have to work towards it, you didn't work hard but hell I ain't gonna buy any excuse.. probably yeah few got lucky but what about the rest???? Despite all efforts they never make it??? guess then we blame it on Bad Luck huh????

Guess thatz how the fabric of LIFE is huh... we still move on and hope that even we would get there someday and yeah that would take us a different topic of HOPE!!!! ;-)

Sure, I ain't gonna find an answers to all these but hell whatz the harm in speakin my mind out????? huh????

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Education V/s Cleanliness!!!!

We've all been told that education brings in civil sense and other senses!!! But off late I've really started to think if this really has come true!!! Yesterday I was ridin on my bike and I see this pretty smart guy in a BIG car who very casually pops the gum in his mouth and throws the wrapper on the road!!! I really wanted to pull him aside and give him a piece of my mind but alas he drove away!!!! But my question is would he do it if he was at his own home???? Sure he would walk up to the dustbin and dispose it...

This is one off!! I've always found that even my friends do the same, its a different matter that when they litter the place, I personally ensure I pick up and keep it in my pocket and over a period of time they realize not to throw things at least when I'm around but I'm sure they would be throwin thrash behind my back with a glee!!!!

True we don't have strict rules when people litter our streets!!! Sure the same folks when the they travel abroad, ensure not to litter any place coz they would have to dole of heavy fines!!! and sure over a period they inculcate the habit of not litterin, but the same folks when they land here, I'm sure they would have made a huge paper ball to litter once they touch Indian shores!!! Guess they get that simple pleasure of litterin at their whims and fancy!!!

I've always been asked, what happens to the rest of the litter on the road when I pick up the litter created by my friends, true I can't go about cleaning the streets, coz people would just ensure that they litter right after I clean the place, but hell I've always believed that it begins from "YOU" and I know as a matter of fact that I would continue in my pursuit of not litterin and not allowing others whom I know to litter!!!

I know it might take years but definitely I believe I've made a start and probably after years I hope that we would have a clean India and would definitely like to thank one of my dear friend for instillin these beliefs in me!!! Thanks Shwets!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Déjà Vu

Well I've been wantin to write this the moment I saw a comment from my friend on one of my posts!!! But then I thought I should be crazy coz though it has happened many a times, this was like, hell I knew she would write the same response and bingo I get the same!!!! Over the weekend when I attended a friends daughter's birthday, she happened to mentioned that it felt like Déjà Vu and I was like hell I thought only I feel that!!!!
But once we started talkin about it, I realized that I'm not the only one and worse now it scares me!!! Coz at times what I dream isn't really the best of things but few, yeah I really don't mind ;-)!!!! Not sure how many of you have seen the movie Déjà Vu but well at least in the movie he is allowed to make amends, wish we were all given same option!!!
Well fortunately there are few dreams which I feel should come true and with my fingers crossed, I hope that a day comes when its true and definitely not gonna pen them down coz what if it never happens ;-)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

When You Want It That Much More!!!!!

A must read for all my readers who don't follow me on FB!!!!! An amazin initiative and hope more of these come our way to make this place a better place to live :-)

www.outlookindia.com | When You Want It That Much More

Aerial Visits

I hope all of you have been following the newspapers, wherein last week with all the rains and the crops being destroyed and then people losin their homes and schools, our elite lot, I mean our beloved politicians go about their routine of doin Aerial visits at the affected areas!!!!!

Now when I see snaps of the same, I always wonder what is that they achieve by Aerial visits??? Can't they use the same resource to help people to who are stranded in the middle of the river??? They could use it to drop foods, medicines but to assess the damage why do these folks go about doin Aerial visits???? again the attention of the district administration would be diverted to see that their SUPER bosses are comfortable and everythin else can wait and that means even rescue work???

I'm sure quite a few would say I'm bein harsh on them, sure you do have your point of view, but when I see it from my end, I feel its just a waste of time and resource, the same could have been used elsewhere more productively. I mean look at it, Sonia Gandhi made an Aerial visit to both AP and Karnataka, other than she bein a Chairperson of UPA, does she have any authority to release any amount of relief fund from the coffers of the government???? Well guess its just to score a point in the game of politics!!!!

Well, I would rather suggest that our beloved politicians, get down from Aerial visits, come to the scene of destruction and without much hassles, get down to work and ensure that all the rescue work is happenin and see to that the emergency medical care is provided, set up a god damn base and ensure that the rescue operations are happenin as it should happen!!! Guess askin for too much coz they just can't wait to get back to their cozy beds and oblivious to all the happenins around them coz they sufferers are lesser mortals and they can wait!!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Well I ain't gonna write a review on a the books ROOTS by Alex Haley here ;-) though its one of the BEST books I've ever read and for those who have never read it I HIGHLY recommend the same.

But I wanted to address something which has been on my mind for sometime!!! Decided that its time I pen the same. Well for all that we know, as humans we always see and feel that the other side of the pasture is GREENER!!! Well now gettin to the point, I've had quite a bit of opportunity to meet and exchange notes with the expat community and I really appreciate it when they try to get themselves localized to our surroundings, but yeah end of it they definitely still retain their identity but enjoy being part of the local surroundings.

Now, to our brothers and sisters of INDIA, I've noticed that when they leave the country, obviously for GREENER pastures in and in some cases GREENER money, I see that they too try doin the same as the expat crowd!!! But wait, you see the change they go through??? to a large extent they don't want to showcase their roots, they develop a fake accent, and definitely they end up being a sore thumb for themselves!!!! Beat this, I know this guy who actually started usin his second name as his first simply coz they couldn't get his first name right????? How low can you stoop with your dignity?????? or probably I was wrong and he was bein considerate ;-)

Now why would they do that?????? Aren't we proud of our roots?????? Agreed we are a chaotic country and we have quite a bit of lows, but I'm sure we have our highs too!!! But what troubles me is, people are ready to just disown their roots, they even find it difficult to keep in touch, don't even want to be tagged on pics of old albums, only makes me wonder, when they come back to their roots should I even bother to touch them with a barge pole, I mean, come on they aren't the only one who can disown, we can do it too!!! Sure I have planned to reciprocate and nothin would stop me from doin that!!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Social Worker!!!!

Off late I've been noticing a trend, wherein our beloved POLITICIANS, for the dearth of qualification and education on their resumes have adopted a novel way of sayin they are SOCIAL WORKER. To make things worse, they shamelessly and boldly proclaim the same on the numerous hoardings and buntings they paste around the town!!!!

This kinda makes me wonder, what exactly do these guys do when the say Social Worker???? Do they help the people is moving files???? or do they bring about opportunities for the people to look at alternatives careers???? I've been tryin to figure out how exactly do they fit into bein a Social Worker?????

After much of thought process, the only thing I found was that these guys are big time FAKE!!! since they don't have anythin else to say about themselves, conveniently they use the Social Worker Route, wherein you aren't asked any questions and yeah they do social work, when elections are round the corner!!! FREE BOOZE and FREE FOOD!!!!

Guess, we didn't that Social Work has been redefined and redefined really well for our Political Netas!!!!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Thought V/s Action!!!!!!

Last night while I was channel surfin, there was this program which was showcasin this person by name Jose. He happens to visit one of the government hospitals in Trissur (Kerala) and we all know the kind of service there hospitals offer out there and he is immediately shocked to see that that people don't even have a decent meal for either the patients of for the care takers. He is just one of the guys just like us, but there is a HUGE difference between HIM & US!!!!

He decides that he needs to do somethin to address the issue and he takes it on himself to provide food FREE of cost (this is supposed to be addressed by the GOVT), and given the fact that he is just a common man and really doesn't have any money to spare, he takes on to himself to reach out to people who can afford to spare some money, in his own words, just like Mother Theresa, he went about beggin for money so that he could provide food for others and though he was shooed off initially, he would relentlessly go back and after few attempts, people see that they can't shake him off and they relent to donate.

Its been good six years today and not a single day has been passed without he and his wife goin to the hospital and preparin the food (it includes lunch, snack and dinner). Today he is supported by a convent, where the nun's chip in, then he has the hospital which has provided him with space and he has volunteers too who come and do their bit. In fact he serves non veg thrice a week and he gets free vegetables and fish from the market and thatz their contribution towards this noble cause.

Well why am I talkin about this???? Well, it just occurred to me that we all do a lot of talkin about makin a difference and how we can reach out and blah blah blah... but hell do we really act on it??????? NOOOOOOOOooo!!!!! We never do that, that includes myself and why????? Well we have commitments, and what are they???? well settlin down in life!!! payin EMI's!!! Havin a good job!!! Keepin our folks and neighbors and friends happy and spouse in some case!!! savin up for retirement!!!

Guess thatz the irony of life!!! How I wish I could do the same what Jose did!!! He just got his wife on board and the rest was history!!!!

P.S: But even today I nuture the thought that someday I would do what Jose did and guess it should just be matter of time and I'm hopin that it would be sooner than later!!!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Entertainment on the Big10

Found an interestin blog from the net.. thought I would share it with my readers.. extensive use of mallu but itz hillarious.. thought I'll lighten up your weekend ;-) and credits to Anjali Philips for writing an awesome one!!!!!!!

During my travels from home to Brigade Road on the Big 10 service, I find myself seated next to a lot of people who use the travel time to catch up with friends, relations, parents, BF/GF etc. Of these, the mallus are the most voluble.

Example no 1: The Mallu gal in Bangalore for higher studies.

This type generally chats up people back home in Kerala during the bus ride. The conversation is held in Malayalam. I have used the liberty to use English for non-mallu readers. Typical conversations are like this:

Hellooo! Idhu njaana! Aa! Pinneavide endha vishesham? Is it raining there aa? Aa! What about at Babuchayans place? Please be careful near the well. You will slip and fall due to the moss. Tell that Vareed to come and clean it no! Has achchan repaired the wall on the other side of the parambu? That Mathukutty’s cows will have a hay-day if you don’t. Pinne tell me what else is new there?
Aiyyo jose chetande kada pootiyo? Eppo? So where do you buy vegetables from now? Teresa chechi is gone home for delivery? I hope I can get home by then. Pakshe test undu. Pinne businde ticketinde prashanam undo. Last minute ticket kitoola. Njaan innu onnum kazhichilla amme. Breakfastinnu breadum butterum ayirnnu. Maduthu! Pinnevere endha vishesham? Aiyyo ende stop vittu poyi. Njaan vekkate?

Illa, adutha stopil irangi nadannolam. Sheri! Amme vekkate? Aiyyo stop vannu. Koda eduthatundu. Vayiguneram vilikaam tow? Aiyyo conductor saare stop maadi. Eranganam.

All this is delivered at supersonic jaw crunching speed and by the time we reach the next stop I and other mallu passengers in the bus can write the biography of the entire Kandath family

from Thodupuzha!!

Next specimen will be mallu gal from Kerala married to techie guy and now employed in some office. She will talk to her friend also married and living in Calicut.

Hiiiii! How are you? I am fine. Etan is also fine. Ende father in law sick aa! Ariyulla endha problem. Vayis ayille. Pinne enna visheshams? Ivide oru vishesham illa. *gasp* Really??? Aiyyo! I did not hear that! When? Where? How? Ende daivamme!! Did her parents bring her back? I knew it! I told her also. But she was madly in love with him! Pinne what else? Anyone else in our batch getting married? Job is boring yaar. Etan comes home only by 9. I watch TV what else! My neighbour is some Tamilian. Kandooda aa sthreeye! Ende stop vannu. Njaan orkuttil scrap chaiyyam. Balance illa. Bye!
To me: Is this Lal Baugh stop?
Me: No. This bus doesnt go that way!
Gal: Aiyyo!
Me: Where are you going?
Gal: Majestic!
Me: You are in the wrong bus.
Gal: !!!!
Me: Never mind. Get down at Brigade Road. You will lots of buses from there.
Gal: Hello? Nasreen? I am in the wrong bus *giggle* hahahahahahahaha

And more ahahahaha

After that I and the rest of the passengers who can understand Malayalam can write the entire biography of the Krishnan Menon and Abu Backer Family from Calicut. Like the other Bangalore guys, mallu guys are also not discriminatory and do not mind sitting on ladies seats. Their conversations will go like this:

Hey da I met Sushmita, Renju and Baby yesterday. They are all here. Ramesh IBMill annu. Rejoyum, babyum Accentureil annu. Pinne Joemone kandu. Avan Bilkehalliyill aanu thamasam. Navin has gone to the US for his MS. I am in training now. Boring da. After that I will go to Pune. Yesterday was team lunch. Stupid food. Everybody wanted Andhra food. You don’t get malayalam movies here. So Sunday we spend roaming around malls. Jijo is in TCS. Harish is in Infosys. Srinivasan is in Mindtree. Abraham is in CTS and ..!

By the time this conversation is over, me and the other passengers who know Malayalam feel like picking him up and heaving him out of the bus.

Anjali Philip blogs at http://my-think-pad.blogspot.com

Monday, September 7, 2009

As Ram Quivers!!!!!

This is an extract from OutLook magazine from an Article "Pure Cow-Ka Cola" by Debarshi Dasgupta. Decided to borrow so that you folks could have a good laugh ;-)

As Ram Quivers!!!!!

Two Deep breaths, two sips. The urine test takes its toll.

For a moment, I was tempted. The was beating down and the hundreds of cows nearby were doing their bit for global warming, breaking wind and spewing out methane. Who would refuse a chilled glass of orange-flavored squash in this setting? Well, practically anybody, if they knew it was spiked with cow urine. So what if it's distilled? But it was hammered into me at journalism school that I had to get my feet wet (in this case, my beak) to be able to do justice to a story. So I did take two sips, along with two deep breaths, and survived to write this piece. Frankly, I couldn't taste the urine but then I thankfully don't know what the urine tastes like, distilled or neat. But I sure do know it smells like now. the stench was oppressive and hopefully it was not coming from my glass. I lowered mine and placed it as far away as possible on the table.

A cow enthusiast who had come to learn some tricks of the cow trade was visibly proud when his small daughter asked for a second helping. "Yeh Ram baan hai (This drink is like Ram's arrow- it solves all problems)," endorsed P.L.Toshniwal. But I noticed that he hadn't touched a drop of his drink. I couldn't resist and asked why. "As long I remain an office-bearer," he said gravely, " I have sworn not to take anything this gaushala produces." Such sincerity, only the gaumata could bring this about.

Hope you haven't fallen off the chair laughin!!!!! ;-)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Changin TIMES!!!!!!

Today bein Onam.. the harvest festival of Kerala!!!! I was in for surprise with a lot of text messages from friends whom I never expected, pretty overwhelmed to say the least but there was this new thing which I noticed at the end of the text message usually I find my friends puttin in their names. Nothing unusual about it, but hell what I figured out is that, it was not just their name, but now they have their spouse's name and in certain cases even their kid's name!!! Now thatz something which I'm yet to get used to!!!!!!! ;-)

Well am I complainin about it?????? Hmmmmmm not really.. but guess now I need to start maintainin a diary on weddin anniversaries and children birthdays too. Given the fact that I religiously ensure that I wish all my friends on their birthdays and even have managed to retain my 10 year old birthday calender. In fact its a joy to see that I keep managing to fill the pages even after years and wish that I can keep continuing the same. And with the changin times in mind I guess itz just matter of time before I would have 365 days of occasions to celebrate ;-)

Well sure the next question is gonna be when am I gonna do the same?????? Well as far I can see, itz a BILLION $ question, coz not that I'm not puttin in an effort but seems like as always I'm bein pretty jinxed about the entire thing. Well all I know is some day it would happen when I expect the least and sure itz gonna be WORTH the wait ;-), well at least that what my friends say ;-)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Eulogy to a FRIEND whom I found, parted ways and lost forever

When I found you, my happiness knew no bounds
When I got to know you, I was glad that I made the right choice
When I decided to take things forward, I knew I was enterin bliss
But when you decided this ain't happenin, my world was shattered
But then I was advised that few things aren't bound to happen
Thatz when I decided that probably I wasn't destined for few things/people
Few months and I was still tryin to get over
And YOU managed to throw the BIGGEST SHOCK of my life
Lets say that was the last place I would have expected to see you
For a few seconds I was wishin what I saw wasn't TRUE
But realized that I was lying to myself
My knees went weak, my mind went numb and all I wished was I hadn't seen what I saw
Coz whoever said that the so called GOD had plans, would definitely be a villain in my eyes
I know this is too late, but you shall be missed
And I hope that your family is given the strength to tide over this loss
and Sajini May your Soul Rest in PEACE

Your Friend whom u found, parted and stayed that way!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

3's of me :)

Three names I go by:

Three Jobs I have had in my life:
Sales Executive (Titan)
Key Accounts Manager (Scojo Foundation)
Senior Manager Community HealthCare (HealthHiway)

Three places I have lived:
Namma Bengalooru
Coimbatore & Hyd ;-)

Three Favorite Drinks:
Loads of milk, less sugar and strong TEA

Three TV shows I watch:
I prefer to read than watch soaps ;-)

Three fave places I have been to:
Backwaters of Kerala

Three of my favorite foods:
Deep Fried Pork
Masala Dosa

Three cars I have owned:
Maruthi 800 (dad)
Ford Fiesta (Bro and Me)
Yet to Decide ;-)

Three things I hate doing:
Working aimlessly
Repeating to ppl to keep the surroundings clean

Three places to find me on the weekend:
At home, chillin or gardenin
Travelin somewhere to catch up with friends
Catchin up with friends over a drink in the evening

Three things I spend too much money on: (too much? :)...)
Never earn enough I suppose ;-)
Loans ;-)

Three places I would like to visit:
Around the World backpacking!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Changin the way doin things in Rural India!!

A write up on my previous organization and regret quitin it but glad that even to this date I'm of some help to them and hope to continue the same..

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Givin a Life through Embrace!!!

A School friend of mine wanted me to post about a great work bein dreamt and carried out by a bunch of young enthusiasts who would want to make a difference in a BIG way... Thanks Anjana for givin me an opportunity to write on them and folks belt up and get set to read some AWESOME dream which is bein made into reality and if you think you can help, get in touch with them and MAKE a DIFFERENCE :-)


20 million premature and low-birth-weight (LBW) babies are born every year. In India alone, a third of all babies born are LBW. 80% of these births occur in rural areas of developing countries. 3.5 million of these babies die, while those that survive often develop life-long health problems like early onset of diabetes, heart disease, and low IQ. Sadly, these problems could be prevented with access to an incubator, a device that provides a stable thermal environment for the baby. This is critical for LBW infants. However, traditional incubators cost thousands of dollars, and are available primarily in urban hospitals. Even when available, they are largely in disrepair. Most rural parents cannot afford to get their babies to these urban hospitals.

Embrace is an incubator, designed to work in a rural healthcare center or at home. It uses no electricity, has no moving parts, is portable, and is safe and intuitive to use. It uses an innovative phase-change material (PCM) in a sleeping bag design to regulate a baby's temperature at 37C, critical for the infant's survival. Carefully engineered properties of the PCM, along with other aspects of the design, ensure the right temperature for the baby at all times. The device works for over four hours at a stretch without intervention, after which it can be reheated. Four hours is longer than the duration between two successive feedings of the baby, to ensure sufficient monitoring. The device is easy to sterilize, and thus reusable across babies. And finally, it facilitates and complements the widely practiced technique of kangaroo mother care, thus enabling mother-baby bonding.

Embrace bridges the gap in healthcare available to a rural-born and an urban-born baby. It will improve the health of LBW babies who would otherwise die or develop serious medical conditions. It will also put an end to current unsafe practices of caring for LBW babies, including placing them under light bulbs or tying hot-water bottles to their bodies. One of the U.N. millennium development goals is the reduction of infant mortality by two-thirds by 2015. The Embrace incubator is an innovative technology that will help families save their children, and governments work towards this goal.

Embrace is a sustainable social venture that came out of the Entrepreneurial Design For Extreme Affordability class at Stanford University. We are a team of business, engineering, and public policy graduate students, with experience in non-profit health care, product design, medical device consulting, management consulting, the UNDP, World Bank, and the Ashoka Foundation. We are being advised by world renowned experts in neonatal care, public health policy, health care in the developing world, business, and product design.

More details on http://embraceglobal.org

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

MT Spells Hope for THEM!!!!!

Well looks like everyday off late I've been surprised by institutions which are tryin to reach out to people who are differently challenged. Today I came across an article in Bangalore Mirror and thought I should share the same with you folks...

A new career opportunity has presented itself for visually challenged people here. It is medical transcription. Chennamma Marihal, a graduate from Karnataka University in Dharwad, Mohit B P of Mudigere in Chikmagalur district and nine others are all set to make use of this opportunity, being provided by Software Paradigms Infotech (SPI) in Mysore. They will undergo three months intensive training at SPI’s Contour Road unit.

On successful completion of the training, they will join SPI as medical transcriptionists. They have already undergone 18 months of basic MT training as a part of their three-year diploma course in Computer Application from JSS Polytechnic for Physically Handicapped which is the only polytechnic in the country to offer training for medical transcription to the visually challenged.

V Madhukar, senior vice president of the institute, said, “It’s the first such initiative by the SPI and it is a sign of the synergy between the industry and educational institutes. Medical transcription is the ideal career for the visually challenged as they can work from home. We hope to provide more such avenues for the underprivileged.”

Medical transcription is considered as a tough job even for a normal person as the job requires the utmost accuracy. But Chennamma says “It’s an ideal job for all challenged people. After the initial training and with experience of one to two years, we can do it from home. It is very safe and secure for people like us.”

How it works
Trainees use a unique software called the JAWS screen reader which provides the user with access to information displayed on the screen via text-to-speech. “They are completely self-reliant and self-motivated. Though visually impaired, Mohit B P himself installed the JAWS software. They check spellings and correct grammatical errors with 80 to 90 per cent accuracy,” explained Radhakrishna, head of the training division of SPI. Both SPI and JSS polytechnic are providing all the needed support to these trainees.

P.S: Thanks to Nagaraja Dixit and Bangalore Mirror for covering this story.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Continuin my write ups on organizations which are tryin to reach out to the people who needs help, it was brought to my notice by a good friend of mine in Mumbai about a massage parlor which is manned by BLIND and partially BLIND folks. Also my friend checked out the place and this is her take on the place.

"Hey I checked it out over the week end…it was pretty good… the lady who gave me a massage was not really blind though…she was more an albino, and I guess they have some amount of blindness…

Anyway it was different….no oil, etc.. just an ‘acupressure’ kind of thing and she made me do a lot of stretches…I did a back massage… u know how it is, sitting at the computer for about 9 hours of the day our backs get fired up…."


Come to Relax… for a Thai Yoga Massage, Reflexology, Physiotherapy, Acupressure and much more…..

Amazing people to serve you with their healing powers. Though BLIND – they are beautifully empowered with the gift to heal. They are experienced with strong & caring hands to heal you with their therapies….

Some of what you will experience…..

  • Relief from spondulitise
  • Aching backs and shoulder pains
  • Do away with shallow breathing - deeper breathing
  • Control over your addictions
  • Relaxation & stress Relief
  • Rejuvenation of self
  • Builds Positive Attitude
  • Energy to work longer hours (1 week of Yoga in an Hour’s time)
  • Keeps you healthy, joyous and at peace.

Thai Massage : 1 & 2 Hours

  • Reflexology : Half Hour and 45 mins.
  • Back Massage : Half Hour
  • Back Massage : 1 Hour
  • Physiotherapy & Acupressure : Depending on your ailments.

All these and more at EXTREMELY REASONABLE RATES…..

Relax… Check out for our Yoga and Tai Chi Classes.

Timings : 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. ….


Walk in or call for appointment at:

Tel: 2445 9894 Ex – 106; Mob : 98190 97354

Delta Apartments, 1st Floor, Above Zoroastrian Co-operative Bank, MMC Road, Lane Opp Canossa Convent High School, Mahim West, Mumbai 400 016.

Friday, July 31, 2009

This is definitely a Mirakle!!!!!!

On my visit to Aamchi Mumbai last weekend a good friend of mine was talking about one of the courier companies which was employing deaf adults. I was definitely impressed by the thought and thought it was really cool. Not until did I chance upon their website and their work did I realize the magnitude of the social impact these folks are making. Definitely a touching gesture but with a business sense and given the fact that I've worked with the development sector this is definitely the way to go!!!!!! Keep rockin Mirakle and hope you reach out to more franchises!!!!!!!!


Mirakle Couriers is a courier company with a difference as we employ only deaf adults. Deafness is an invisible disability, and has been largely ignored in India. All the staff members including delivery personnel are deaf.

Our business model is based on creating a service driven profitable enterprise that uses the deaf. To this end, we marry professional excellence with social cause. While our services are currently available only in Mumbai, we plan to extend our operations to other cities soon.

We are not a charity but a social business, where the social element is embedded in the commercial operations. Our corporate clients have shown their trust in our business and our cause by availing our services. Our list of clients includes Mahindra & Mahindra, The Aditya Birla Group, Victory Art Foundation, JSW Group, Indian Hotels Company, Godrej & Boyce and Essel Propack.


P.S: If you folks are from Mumbai do use them to encourage them and yeah already a friend of mine has informed me that her organization plans to start using their service!!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Racism!!! Don't we have a double standards in India????

Recently I was readin an article on Racism and attacks on Indians in Australia and currently guess our beloved Obama is in thick of Racism too... But the article threw up an interestin point which had crossed my mind too and thought I would bring it up with my readers for a discussion.

Sure we all saw how animated our ministers to the common man was ventin their anger on the RACISM which happened down under. Well definitely its nice to know that our thoughts and feelings were addressed by our beloved politicians but my contention is why do we limit ourselves when we get attacked in a foreign country???? Don't we all say that we should only complain about others once we set our house in order???? Then why aren't we makin a hue and cry about our own racism which is widely prevalent in India???? and beat this its socially accepted!!!!!! Talk about irony....

Well still wonderin about what racism we have in India????? Well just check out any matrimonial site or ads in the newspapers and you would see what I'm talkin off. Coz all the men need fair and beautiful lookin women and the women advertise saying they are very fair to fair and beautiful looking!!!!!!!! and whatever happens to women and men who are of the darker shade???? oh yeah its socially acceptable, then why would we term it as Racism???? huh?????.. Talk about double standards.

Worse, surprisingly China and India are the biggest market for fairness cream. I understand India but why the Chinesee???? Well supposedly even being really fair for them fetches them a good bridegroom in the market. Ahhhhhh!!!! And our ads, I personally think we should sue them. Check this ad where the woman and the family is depressed coz she is dark, thanks to a particular fairness cream, she becomes fair and lands up with a plum job tooo.. why would you do that???? Isn't it RACISM at its best????? Naaaaaa again we would be told its socially acceptable. I would say itz Nonsense. There are other stories where you are looked down upon if you have a dark child and if its a girl even more worse but hell we are more worried about bein attacked down under.

Well anyways, not to lose heart for the darker shaded folks, I've been told by a friend of mine if you are of a darker shade and well sculpted body (that takes some hard work ;-) ) you are treated as GODs by the women in Italy. Go try your luck there :P

Lastly, if we go by the matrimonial site/ads demand we would be one hell of a healthy nation, coz not only do they want fair but also slim woman guess thatz another discussion all together.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Aamchi Mumbai!!!!!!!

Every time I visit Mumbai, the city never bores me, infact I for some reason feel very much at home, and itz one of those cities where I would love to spend time working for few years, though not very sure if I should make it my home but yeah I wouldn't mind it making my home.

This time around, I got to stay in a really nice place in Bandra and was put up with this very good friend with whom I could tickle my intellectual thoughts and also get an honest feedback on my thought process. I think overall we complement each others thought process and also help each other look at other options.

Then, another really good friend of mine who insisted that I be picked up from the airport and dropped and it was an honor to have her and children joinin us for dinner and it got even better coz I was picked up from the airport and decided we would do the new addition to Mumbai the Sea link and it was worth the drive by the lights.

Then Sat was the usual pilgrimage of Colaba, dinin at Leopold and some shoppin for books and gifts at Bombay Store and the evening was spent with a very good friend of mine with who I studied durin my colleges days and beat this, he is one guy who knew it very early in life what he wanted to do, quit college and followed his passion and today he is one of the well knows guys in the industry and I'm sooo proud of him, like my friend put it, "I sound like a proud father" ;-) well I would see it as a proud friend.

Sun was breakfast by the sea front on Carter road, followed by an amazin lunch at the same friend who picked me up from the airport, again was treated to some awesome beer and snacks and conversation followed by lunch and then the icin was the dessert. Well I call it a payasam but she was callin it somethin which I can't recall ;-)

Well, by now had my another good friend comin up from Pune to meet up with me, so we head to pick him up at the mall where he is waitin on us and guess what, the women folk end up shoppin and I hope they like what I suggested :P and then we decided to head to HardROCK Cafe and well thanks to all of us goin there for the first time, had no clue where it was, while we were figurin out our way, had already my ex-roomie again a good friend waitin on us. We took about an hour and half to figure out our way and all the while the poor chap was waitin on us but I guess the crowd (read and us ;-)) and the music made up for it. It was one hell of a night and we enjoyed every bit of it.

After we got kicked out of the place ;-) at half past one in the night, we hitched a cab back home but thanks to our friend, kinda ensured that we had a long time and we kept on signin away to glory, poor cab driver. Well then reached home, packed and went to bed at half past three and then got up at quater to five to rush to the airport, and yeah made it on time for the flight :-)

It was three night and days of AWESOME fun and thanks to all the friends who went out of their way to make it happen. You folks make me feel that I should keep returnin to Mumbai :-) and I hope I can sometime soon :-)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Love without Talkin!!!!!

I just chanced up a great video which as the sayin goes.. action speaks more than words!!!!!! well for a change this video shows how words and actions are involved but absolutely no talkin involved!!!!! Thought I would share the same with you folks and hope you enjoy it :-)
