Monday, November 30, 2009

Chief Belief Officer - CBO

I'm sure all of us have heard about CEOs', COOs', CTO's, but wait have you ever heard of a CBO??? in other words Chief Belief Officer!!! Well sure folks who were followin TEDIndia@Mysore would have heard of it and sure its been makin rounds around the net about his talk at TEDIndia@Mysore!! Thought I should share the same with the rest of them who hasn't been lucky enough to hear on it or see the person!!!

Personally, though I'm more or less an Agnostic Person, definitely kudos to DevDutt, who actually by profession is a CBO with the Future Group!!! who actually was damn good at weaving a story with ancient mythology and present day working conditions and more!!! Definitely an amazin video to watch

Also you could follow him on his own website :

Well sure, it would also get us to the question, now that we breached the Belief frontier, is there anything else?????

Friday, November 27, 2009

A light one to make your weekend FUN!!!!

Do Dogs go to Heaven? These two churches face each other across a busy street.

How to tell if a Catholic is driving too fast

Jewish Olympic Swimmer

Church can be hilarious!

The Woodpecker Might have to go!

May your troubles be less, may your blessings be more, and

may nothing but happiness come through your door.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

30 second speech!!!!!

Here's a 30 second Speech by Bryan Dyson (CEO of Coca Cola) :

"Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the

You name them - work, family, health, Friends and spirit and you're keeping
all of these in the Air.

You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will
bounce back.

But the other four Balls - Family, Health, Friends and Spirit - are made of
glass. If you drop one of these; they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked,
nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same.

You must understand that and strive for it."

How I wish this could help people prioritize their lives!!! I mean we need to work but guess itz a pretty fine balance which we need to strike!!! Hope everyone readin this can manage to do the same :-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


There have been times when I see pics of my friends/acquaintances or hear about them as to what they have been upto, it gets me to thinkin do they really deserve that??? I mean not that I'm jealous that they have achieved somethin or got to do somethin which I didn't but for all that I've known them, I personally feel they don't deserve it coz there are other worthies accordin to me!!! Hell I ain't no one to be judgmental about anyone, but when you compare two, sure we are bound to find a nicer one of the two :-)

But, what is that makes LIFE so partial???? Have you noticed, people who have it all get more and people who don't have never get it or are robbed off it!!! WHY??? Sure we can have a lot of arguments sayin, you have to work towards it, you didn't work hard but hell I ain't gonna buy any excuse.. probably yeah few got lucky but what about the rest???? Despite all efforts they never make it??? guess then we blame it on Bad Luck huh????

Guess thatz how the fabric of LIFE is huh... we still move on and hope that even we would get there someday and yeah that would take us a different topic of HOPE!!!! ;-)

Sure, I ain't gonna find an answers to all these but hell whatz the harm in speakin my mind out????? huh????