Thanks you folks and Google ads I've earned my first $ through my writing and definitely itz a great feeling to have earned it with all my writing and you folks clickin on the ads appearing on my blog.
I hope someday I can live upto your hopes of writing a book though itz too early now. Guess I would use my blog to hone my skills on writing ;-). Also moi puttin up a pic on all the places around the globe who has read my blog and hoping that by the time I make my 100$, yeah thatz when they make the payment ;-) it would be more redder than this :-)
Thanks again for your valuable comments and suggestions.
Bon Weekend
I hope someday I can live upto your hopes of writing a book though itz too early now. Guess I would use my blog to hone my skills on writing ;-). Also moi puttin up a pic on all the places around the globe who has read my blog and hoping that by the time I make my 100$, yeah thatz when they make the payment ;-) it would be more redder than this :-)
Thanks again for your valuable comments and suggestions.
Bon Weekend
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